Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Compassion Mail Call

Lots of letters in the past two weeks. I received 16 Pastor letters. I loved reading all the letters and learning more about the centers my kids attend. They also shared their plans for their centers and sharing God's word in the community.

I received 6 letters from my compassion kids. 

Sweet Shadrack (age 9) from Kenya wrote " I  hope you are fine in Jesus name. I see you in the picture you sent, you are beautiful shining like a flower and sun." He had some really nice drawings.

Little Moses (age 5) from Kenya wrote " I saw your family photos, my mum was very happy. I am praying every day for your family."

2 letters from Gio (age13) in Indonesia. He ask if I like basketball and tells me he had a good Christmas and is in top 10 rank in school.

Blessing (age 6) from Kenya wrote about all the things she does during the week. 

Our first letter from Ida (age 7) from Kenya wrote about her typical week too. She says "Please pass along her greetings to all my family members. She is praying for us very hard, your daughter Ida."

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