Why Fair Trade?
It ensures club products were made by artisans in fair working conditions who were being paid a fair wage. Basically, no child gave up his education, home and family to labor in a sweat shop so that your calves can be toasty in a pair of trendy boot cuffs. You can give gifts of handcrafted jewelry and unique home decor with a clear conscience. People say it’s the thought behind the gift that counts most. In this case, we’ve done some of that thinking for you.WHAT IS EARRING OF THE MONTH?

From Kristen: When I visited one of our artisan partners in Ethiopia in the Spring of 2015, I went to the home of one of the women who creates product for FTF. She was spinning thread from sheep’s wool and it was amazing to watch. She passed the spools to her daughter and she began weaving the thread –piece by piece- on a large wooden loom into fabric. Some of the thread is dyed to add color. The fabric is passed onto more women in the group and small gift bags are created. Beginning in June, we will be using the bags for our FTF Earring of the Month Club. One bag provides work for 3 people. It’s simply stunning how something so small, something we take for granted in America can truly change a life.
• $11.99 recurring monthly membership
• $33.00 3 month prepaid
• $65.00 6 month prepaid
• $128.00 12 month prepaid
More information and sign up here: http://fairtradefriday.club/eotm/
Here’s how you can win these beautiful fair trade earrings.To be entered in the Giveaway you must: Subscribe to my newsletter and then enter to win!
We work primarily with faith-based organizations because we believe true freedom comes through Christ in Ethiopia, Texas, India, Haiti, Kenya, Bangladesh and many more. We work directly with the majority of the artisans to create something beautiful that you will want to wear. There are countless small, non-profits all over the world helping women provide for their families through product creation. Our desire is to redeem consumerism. Let’s face it: we live in a culture that is going to shop. We are going to buy stylish things we want and cute gifts for others. So why not make our purchases more meaningful through items made by impoverished and vulnerable women? Your purchase makes difference in their lives.I am happy to support Fair Trade Friday, and I am grateful to each of you for helping spread the word about a life-changing organization. For more details, visit Fair Trade Friday. Go here to sign up.
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